working writer ink

Obligatory Legalese


Privacy Policy

Terms of Use



Privacy Policy

Thank you for choosing to be part of our community at Working Writer Ink ( (Hereafter, “Website”, “Site”, “Company”, “we”, “us,” “our”). Protecting your personal information is of utmost importance to us. If you have any questions, comments or concerns after reviewing this Privacy Policy agreement, please contact us at Pym at workingwriterink dot com.

When you visit and use (register, answer surveys, fill out a form, contact us through a form) our Website and services, this means you trust us with your personal information. Therefore, this privacy policy describes how we use the information we collect from you when you use our Website and services and what rights you have in relation to your information.

If you disagree with any terms in this privacy policy, please discontinue your use of our Sites and services.

This privacy policy applies to all the information collected through your use of our Website and services and other third-party tools. By using our Website and/or services, or by clicking “Agree” or “Accept” to the Terms of Use when this option is explicitly made available to you, you acknowledge, accept and agree to be bound by the Privacy Policy terms and to abide by them.

Personal Information You Disclose to Us
During your visit and use of our Website and services, we collect certain data that you provide to us when you fill out opt-in forms, contact forms, and surveys, when you purchase products and/or services, and when you enter your information for giveaways and/or competitions.

The personal information that you provide to us can be your name, email address, location, and occupation. Moreover, if you are purchasing products, then you are also providing us with payment and address information. (However, your payment information is not stored in our system because purchases are processed through payment processors.) Therefore, should you have any questions about payment activities and/or information, contact the specific payment processor directly.

Outside of the European Union (“EU”)
If you are outside of the EU and enter your information to receive a freebie, make a purchase, respond to survey, register for a free training, or participate in a webinar, then we will automatically enroll you to receive our newsletter and updates.

If you do not wish to receive any communications from us, you can opt out by clicking on the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of the emails.
In the European Union
If you are in the EU and opt to receive a freebie or participate in a free training, register for a webinar or live event, or purchase a product, your email address will not be added to the email list to receive our newsletter and updates unless you affirmatively consent to it.

If you change your mind at any point and do not want to receive electronic communication, simply unsubscribe.

If you have trouble unsubscribing by clicking the link at the bottom of the email, simply email us at info at workingwriterink dot com and request to be unsubscribed from future emails.


As someone who resides in the European Union, you are entitled to exercise certain rights that you are given under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Any information or data that you chose to provide us will be kept with Working Writer Ink until one of these happens: (1) you ask Working Writer Ink to DELETE the information and/or data; (2) Working Writer Ink decides to STOP USING the existing data processors, or (3) Working Writer Ink decides that the cost of retaining the data outweighs the value in retaining it.

As a consumer and/or visitor on our Site who is located in the European Union region, you have the right to request access to your data that Working Writer Ink collected on you and stores it.

You are within your rights to demand to know exactly what data and information Working Writer Ink has collected on you. Keep in mind that some parts of this data were provided by you personally, while others were gathered through cookies and pixels.

You have the right to withdraw consent on a data that you previously gave us consent to collect and process. The right to withdraw consent applies to any future processing of that data. However, any data that has been collected and processed previously based on valid consent is lawful and not subject to liability based on any legal grounds.

You also have the right to request the erasure of your data and all your information from Working Writer Ink’s data storage. Once you request that your data be erased from Working Writer Ink’s databases, we have thirty (30) days to comply with your request. If it’s impossible to comply within 30 days, then Working Writer Ink will respond to the Visitor’s request and let them know about the issue and also give them a reasonable time as to when their request for deletion will be honored.

Aside from rights such as a request to access, request to delete, and rectify, an EU user also has the right to place restrictions on the data processing itself. This means a user can limit certain things that Working Writer Ink can and cannot do with their data. You can choose to limit transfer of your data to third-party businesses (unless it’s essential for Working Writer Ink’s basic functions).

You further have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority who oversees and handles issues related to the GDPR.

Lastly, it’s Working Writer Ink’s duty to inform you that we only require information that is reasonably necessary to enter into a contract with you. We do not collect any unnecessary data, and any information we acquire is used for legitimate business purposes such as growing and scaling our business or being able to provide satisfactory customer service to you and other users.


The Brazilian Data Protection Law or the LGPD, which is derived from its Portuguese name. The LGPD is Brazil’s law on online privacy requirements and certain rights and privileges given to data subjects.

Under the LGPD, “processing” is defined as collection, production, reproduction, transmission, receipt, use, classification, filing, storage, control or evaluation of data, deletion, dissemination, extraction, modification, and communication. The LGPD applies to “personal data” that is defined as any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person. Moreover, sensitive data such as political opinion, racial or ethnic origin, religion, health, sex and more as they relate to a natural person.

Under the LGDP, the data subjects are given the following rights relating to their personal data:

  • Awareness and confirmation of the existence of data processing;
  • Anonymization or pseudonymization or removal of pieces of data that have been collected or processed without compliance with the LGPD;
  • Access to personal data;
  • Correction of inaccurate data;
  • Right to request deletion;
  • Portability;
  • Right to revocation of consent;
  • Right to request disclosure of any third parties with whom personal data is shared;
  • Access to the customer policy information and consent revocation terms and conditions.

The data subject has the right to exercise these rights with our business Working Writer Ink anytime free of charge.

As a business, we can only process personal data if there are any legal basis for processing that data. The LGPD provides approximately ten (10) legal basis for processing data. The ten grounds are:

  1. The data subject gives express consent to process the data.
  2. Data processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
  3. Processing is essential to protect the life or physical safety of the data subject or another third party.
  4. Necessary to execute a contract or contract related procedures that the data subject is a party of at the request of the data subject.
  5. Necessary to process to fulfill the legitimate interests of the controller or of the third-party, except when data subject’s fundamental rights prevail.
  6. Necessary to process in order to protect credit (refers to a credit score).
  7. You need to process to protect the health in relation to the activities of health professionals or health entities.
  8. Necessary to process to carry out studies by research entities that ensure, when possible, the anonymization of personal data.
  9. Necessary to process to exercise rights in judicial, arbitration, and administrative procedures.
  10. Necessary to process to execute public policies provided in laws or regulations or those that are based on contracts, policies, agreements, or similar binding instruments.

Working Writer Ink mostly uses legal basis #1 and #5 above, which are that the data subject gives express consent to process the data, and that processing is necessary to fulfill the legitimate interests of the controller or of the third-party, except when data subject’s fundamental rights prevail to process personal and sensitive data collected from you.


During the time you visit and use our Site, certain limited data are collected from public databases, marketing partners, social media platforms, and analytics sources.

The types of data collected about you from other sources are your location, your computer system, which pages you have visited on our Site, how long you spend on each page, your IP address, your country, and possibly even your social media profiles and referrals.


This Website is not intended for children under the age of 13. We and this Website do not knowingly and intentionally collect any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. If you are under 13 years of age, please do not use or provide any information on this Website. Do not use any third parties that might have links present on this Website. Do not provide your name, address, phone number or any payment information.

If a parent or guardian believes that this Website unknowingly collected personally identifiable information from a child under the age of 13 in its database, please contact us at once at info at workingwriterink dot com, and we will do our best to immediately remove any and all such information from our database.


Information Collected from You
We use the information we collect from you to send you targeted marketing and promotional communications. If at any time you indicated an interest in a particular field related to our Site, then we and/or our third-party marketing partners may use this relevant information to send you additional communication regarding similar products/services.

If you do not want to receive any marketing and/or promotional communication, you can opt out at any time by UNSUBSCRIBING from either a particular list or topic or from all the emails coming from us by clicking on the unsubscribe button located at the bottom of every email you receive.

Information Collected from Third-Party Apps and Tools
Any information collected from third-party tools is used for statistical and analytical purposes and for evaluating and making improvements to our Site. This automatically collected information will not include personal information data.


We respect your privacy and the value of your information. We do not share, disclose, sell, lease or rent your information to anyone or any third party without your express consent.

Only under limited circumstances will necessary information be shared with third parties. Here are the situations in which we will share your information:
1. You gave us express consent to do so;
2. You entered into a contract for recurring payments—for this reason, your information will be processed on an as-needed basis to uphold the agreement;
3. Performance of a contract—if you are obligated to pay or perform an action, and you fail, we reserve the right to share necessary information with a third-party company, such as a collection agency or an attorney; and
4. Mandated by law—if legal proceedings are initiated, and there is a subpoena (unlikely, but better to be prepared than surprised).


We may use cookies and other tracking technologies, such as pixels, to collect data on advertisements, website use and information retention.

If you do not wish your cookie information to be stored, then you can change the settings of your browser cookies. By default, only necessary cookies are enabled.

You can read more about this in our Cookie Policy. Know that by agreeing to our Privacy Policy, you are also agreeing to our Cookie Policy.

If you decide to contact us through email, we reserve the right to retain the content of your email messages, your email address, and our responses.

Your privacy is important to us. Therefore, your email address will never be shared, sold, or leased to any third-party members.

In compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act, any and all communications sent from our Company or Website will clearly state who the email is from, who the email is for, and how to contact the sender.

Furthermore, should you wish to not receive any more emails, you can click on the “Unsubscribe” link located at the bottom of the email.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Policy

California Consumer Privacy Act (hereafter, “CCPA”) is a California privacy law that is effective as of January 1, 2020.

The privacy statements and sections present in this CCPA notice are supplemental to the Working Writer Ink ( (hereafter, “I”, “we”, “us”, “our”) Privacy Policy. This notice applies solely to website users, visitors and customers (purchasers) who reside in the State of California (hereafter, “consumer”, “consumers”, “you”).

Under CCPA, California consumers have several added rights and privileges that serve to protect their personal information from being used in a way that the consumer does not agree with. This notice is in place to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of 2018 that went into effect as of January 1, 2020.

A consumer has the right to request and know what categories of information and what personal information we collect, how we collect it, and for what purpose we collect it.

You have the right to demand that we disclose what categories of information we have or are collecting about you and what personal information we have collected or are collecting about you.

In an effort to maintain full compliance, we are disclosing the categories of information that we generally collect from and/or about consumers.

As a consumer, you are free to request disclosure of your information at no extra charge to you if you make such requests no more than twice (2) during a 12-month period.

General Information We Collect
We generally collect personal information, as listed under CCPA, in the form of preferred name and email in the case of newletters, and non-identifying statistical information in case of Google Analytics.

  • first name
  • last name
  • email address
  • products purchased
  • address (for charging the credit card or bank account)
  • payment method (whether paid via PayPal or Stripe) through WooCommerce – credit card or other payment information is NOT retained or stored, either by Working Writer Ink or WooCommerce
  • IP Address through Google Analytics
  • Referral sources

We collect the information on consumer stated above through

  • Opt-in forms by offering free resources
  • Opt-in forms by asking people to join my email list
  • purchase/order forms when purchasing a product
  • Google Analytics

You have the right to request disclosure of the personal information we collected about you by contacting us at info at workingwriterink dot com.

Under CCPA, a consumer has the right to contact the business that collected personal information about the consumer and request deletion of that information.

There are certain limited circumstances under which the business does not have to comply and delete the information, as follows:
• To provide and complete the transaction for which the information was collected in the first place (for example, selling and delivering goods and services);
• To be in compliance with a legal obligation;
• To carry out and be compliant with another legal requirement; and
• To keep the information for internal use that is reasonable to the consumer.

As a consumer, you have the right to request full disclosure if a business sells or transfers your personal information for a business purpose. You have the right to know what specific information has been sold or transferred, to whom, and for what business purpose.

We NEVER sell personal information we collect from consumers.

However, in the event we do so within the next 12 months, you will be given the option to opt out if you do not wish for your personal information to be sold.

The consumer has the right to request that we disclose what category of information we sold, the specific pieces of information we sold, to whom we sold it, and for what business purpose we sold it. Consumers can make this request by contacting us at info at workingwriterink dot com.


Under CCPA, a consumer has the right to request that a business that collected personal information about the consumer does not sell that information to anyone.

If you choose to exercise your right and request that we never sell your information, in accordance with CCPA, we will not and cannot discriminate against you for choosing to exercise your right.

You will have access to the same services at the same prices as everyone else. The quality and conditions of products and services you receive will be the same as everyone else, regardless of your choice to exercise your CCPA right to forbid the selling of your information.

Under CCPA, a business that collects or receives personal information about a consumer must implement and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices.

If a business experiences a data breach, then it will be held liable if it did not implement and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices.
We do our due diligence and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices to make sure that the consumer data and private information we collect is safe and secure.

Here are the security practices we have in place to protect consumer data:
• All the systems containing consumer information (such as our email service provider) are password protected.
◦ The passwords are considered strong and are not easy to figure out.
• Only one person knows the password.
• To make our Email Service Provider (MailerLite) database even more secure, we change the password every three months.
• Our computers are protected from third-party access by having an additional password layer before a user can start working on the computer.
• In addition to the statements above, we take reasonable precautions on a daily basis to protect consumer information from unauthorized use, modification, destruction, and disclosure.

If you wish to exercise your rights under CCPA and make requests for disclosure or deletion of your personal information or disclosure about sale of information, you can contact us directly and make such requests. You can also contact us at any time if you are not happy about the way we are handling your data.

We will respond as quickly as reasonably possible. Please keep in mind that we do not have to comply with requests if you make them more than twice during a 12-month period.

Make your requests by contacting us at info at workingwriterink dot com.

Contact Us
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments regarding our Privacy Policy, please feel free to reach out to us:

Working Writer Ink
Raven Cottage
Ballykyne Upper
Clonbur, Co. Galway

Email Address:
info at workingwriterink dot com
Effective as of 21 June 2023

Terms of Use

This Terms of Use agreement is entered into by and between You and Working Writer Ink ( (hereafter, “Website”, “Site”, “Company”, “I”, “We”, “Me”, “My”, “Us”, “Our”).


These Terms of Use constitute a legally binding agreement between You and Our Company concerning your access to and use of the website, as well as any other application, media channel, or tool related to the Website.

You understand, acknowledge, and accept that by accessing this Website, you are bound by all of these Terms of Use. By using the Website or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Use when this option is made expressly available to you, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by these Terms of Use.

Privacy Policy
Moreover, your agreement also means that you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy. Read our Privacy Policy for more detailed information. Our Privacy Policy governs the areas of data collection and how we use and handle such information.

Your use of our Website is also subject to our Disclaimers. You can read our Disclaimer policy, which governs the Website. Moreover, the Disclaimer informs users and visitors of the Website of various limitations regarding the information provided on the Website. By agreeing to the Terms of Use, you are also acknowledging and agreeing to the Disclaimer.

The Website is intended for users who are at least 18 years old. Persons under the age of 13 are not permitted to use or register for the Website.

If you do not agree with all these Terms of Use, then you must not access the Website, click on any links, or use the Website in any way.


We reserve the right to make changes and additions to these Terms of Use from time to time. Any and all changes are effective immediately as soon as we post them on our Website. If you continue using the Website after we post our changes to the Terms of Use, it means that you have read the new Terms of Use and understand, acknowledge, and agree to them.


This Website/Company is our proprietary property unless otherwise indicated. We have complete ownership and control of any source code, databases, functionality, software, website designs, audio, video, text, photographs, and graphics on the Site (hereafter, “Content”) and the trademarks, service marks, and logos contained therein (hereafter, “Marks”). The Content and Marks are protected by copyright and trademark laws and various other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws of the United States, foreign jurisdictions, and international conventions.

As a visitor and user of this Website, you are given a limited license and are not permitted to break the boundaries of that license.

As a condition of your use of our Website, you agree and acknowledge to not use the Website or any of the resources available for download from the Website for any purpose that is prohibited by these Terms of Use and/or is unlawful. You will not use the Website for any illegal or unauthorized purpose or to advertise or offer to sell goods and services. In addition, you will not engage in unauthorized framing of or linking to the Website; attempt to impersonate another user; interfere with the Website in a way that affects other people’s quality of use of the Website; or attempt to bypass or hack any measures of the Site designed to prevent or restrict access to the Site or to any portion of the Site.

Content belonging to Working Writer Ink or included in the Website is not for resale. In the case you have permission to download something, such as a freebie, PDF, e-book, guide, etc., you are not allowed to sell it or transfer it to another person.

You will not delete or alter any content or other proprietary rights or notices. The Company and the Website do not grant you any licenses for ownership or proprietary rights.


Our Website may contain links to other websites as well as articles, blog posts, photographs, quotations, software, and information in general.

Such Third-Party Websites are not monitored or controlled by our Website or Company. Therefore, we are not responsible or liable for any content the Third-Party Websites might show, write, or use. You are clicking on Third-Party Website links at your own risk. Moreover, the instant you click on a Third-Party Website link, these Terms of Use no longer govern those Third-Party Websites.

You agree and understand that we do not endorse the products or services offered by Third-Party Websites. You indemnify us from any harm caused by your purchase and/or use of such products and services.

If you sustain any harm or losses due to your use or purchase of Third-Party Website products or services, you hold us harmless. We are not responsible for your actions or those of Third-Party Websites.


Any downloads, articles, and resources provided on the Website and through the Website are solely provided for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing provided on and through the Website should be construed as legal, medical, financial, tax, or any other professional advice. You can find detailed information on this inside the Disclaimer.


We reserve the right to change, modify, or remove the contents of the Site at any time for any reason at our discretion without needing permission from anyone and without notice. Furthermore, we have no obligation to update any information on our Site.

We will not be liable to You or any third party if we decide to modify, change, or remove part or all of the content from the Site, change prices, or suspend or discontinue the Site. We cannot guarantee that the Site will be available at all times. We may experience downtime, technical or software difficulties, or we may simply decide to discontinue for whatever reason.

You agree that we have no liability whatsoever for any loss, damage, or inconvenience caused by your inability to access or use our Site.


These Terms of Use and your access and use of our Website are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States, The Republic of Ireland, and the EU.


If a dispute arises between You and Our Company and/or Website, and if You and Us are unable to resolve the Dispute through informal negotiations, then the Dispute will be finally and exclusively resolved by binding arbitration. Any arbitration will take place in The Working Writer only. You further agree that you shall be responsible for all costs associated with initiating the arbitration and for the administration of the arbitration.


This Website and these Terms of Use are controlled, operated, and administered by Our Company and Website located in the Republic of Ireland and Washington, United States of America (“USA”). If you access the Website and services from a location outside of the USA, then you are responsible for complying with all the local laws. You acknowledge and agree that you may not access and use this Website and its contents and services in any way, manner, or country prohibited by applicable laws and regulations.


No Joint Venture or Partnership/Agency relationship is created between You and Us by your access and use of the Website and by these Terms of Use. You further agree that these Terms of Use will not be construed against us simply because we drafted them. You waive any and all defenses you may have based on the electronic form of these Terms of Use and the fact that they are not signed by the parties.


You acknowledge, understand, and agree that these Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer constitute the Entire Agreement between the user and the Company and/or Website.


We welcome you to contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or comments regarding the terms in this agreement.

Working Writer Ink
Raven Cottage
Ballykyne Upper
Clonbur, Co. Galway
info at workingwriterink dot com



Any and all information provided by Working Writer Ink (“we,” “us,” “our,” “my,” “me,” or “I”) on (“Site” or “Website”) is for general informational and educational purposes only.

This Disclaimer, along with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, governs and controls your access to and use of, including any and all services, content, and functionality offered on or through our Website at

We provided all the information and content on our Website in good faith. However, we do not make any warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on our Site.

We are not liable to you at any time for any loss or damage you may have experienced or incurred as a result of the use of our Site or reliance on any information provided on our Site. Your access and use of our Site and reliance on any information on the Site is completely at your own risk.


Our Site cannot and does not contain any legal, medical, tax, financial, health, or any other professional advice. All of the information provided on our Site is for general informational and educational purposes ONLY. You should NOT take any information on our Site as a substitute for professional advice. Before taking action based on any such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals.

Your access to, use of, and reliance on any information provided on our Site is solely at your own risk.


From time to time, our Site may contain links to other external websites and third parties. Moreover, we may have ads and banners on our Website that contain external links in them to third-party websites, products, and companies. We do not check, control, validate, monitor, or investigate such links for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness. We do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for any information or product offered by third-party websites. If you choose to click on links and be taken to an external website belonging to a third party, then you and only you are responsible and liable for your actions should you suffer or incur any harm or loss.


You acknowledge and agree that our Company and Website have not made any guarantees about the results of taking any action. Regardless of whether a product or service is recommended, we absolutely do not make any guarantees as to the results. You understand and agree that what works for one person might not work for another person. Moreover, results are dependent on many different factors, and we cannot make any guarantees. Whether you will succeed or fail is ultimately dependent on your own efforts, your particular situation, and numerous other circumstances that are beyond our control.


Our Website may contain links to affiliate websites. When and if you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase through that link, we will receive commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliate website using such links. Purchases you make through our affiliate links are at no additional cost to you. This means you will pay the same price for the purchase as everyone else.

Whenever we include an affiliate link on a page or post, we will let you know in advance so that you are aware that if you choose to click on the link and make a purchase, then we will receive a commission from that purchase.

Here at Working Writer Ink, we like to be completely transparent with our viewers and readers. For that purpose, here is a complete list of our affiliates:

  • The Alliance of Independent Authors
  • Amazon
  • Elegant Themes
  • Literature and Latte (Scrivener)
  • Notion
  • Plottr
  • Publisher Rocket
  • Qwerkywriter
  • Sticky Blogging
  • Thriving Scribes

One Affiliate program we participate in is Amazon Affiliates and as part of that program I must include the following statement on my website: “Working Writer Ink is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.”


Our Site may contain testimonials by actual users of our products and/or services. These testimonials reflect the actual user’s true and own opinions and experiences. We do not pay or manipulate these testimonials. They appear on our Website verbatim as given to us by the users, except for the correction of grammar or typing errors.

However, you agree and understand that the experiences are personal to those particular users, and these experiences may not be representative of everyone’s experience with that product and/or service. Your individual results may vary.


We welcome you to contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or comments regarding the terms in this agreement.

Working Writer Ink
Raven Cottage
Ballykyne Upper
Clonbur, Co. Galway
info at workingwriterink dot com

Effective as of 21 June 2023



Working Writer Ink promises to always be an ad-free website. However to cover the costs of hosting, security, and functionality, we need to engage in affiliate marketing.

However it is important to note that we have only sought to become affiliates of tools we use passionately and with no moral compunction. We have, in fact, dropped some affiliates because we were not pleased with recent changes (i.e. the general ‘enshitification’ of services, especially the free versions. Looking at you, MailerLite). The notable exception is Amazon, which is a regrettable fact of life. If you are buying print books, we strongly urge you to buy from instead.

We also want to state that we have no interest in engaging in sponsored posts – i.e. reviews where they pay us to say nice things about them under the guise of an ‘honest review.’

In the interest of transparency, here is a complete list of our current affiliates:

  • The Alliance of Independent Authors
  • Amazon
  • Elegant Themes
  • Literature and Latte (Scrivener)
  • Notion
  • Plottr
  • Publisher Rocket
  • Qwerkywriter
  • Sticky Blogging
  • Thriving Scribes

The full legal verbiage on affiliate marketing can be found under the ‘Disclaimers‘ heading.


We welcome you to contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or comments regarding the terms in this agreement.

Working Writer Ink
Raven Cottage
Ballykyne Upper
Clonbur, Co. Galway
info at workingwriterink dot com

Effective as of 21 June 2023


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